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Monday, June 21, 2010
Ferret In The House!
My friend left us with a ferret while they went on a vacation. He is cute and fuzzy. He is potty trained and he even eats and drinks from his bed. He is a white ferret. I will post some pictures later but for now it is this information.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My Trip to Cancún First Note
I when to Cancún for four days. The days were the 5~8. Have fun looking at all the photos on the post under this.
My Trip to Cancún Day1
Day1 in the morning we all woke up around 4:15am and left as soon as we got ready. Once we got in the airport we left on the plane fast and waited to fly. It was about an hour flight to Huston, Texas and got their around 8:00am We shopped for a little and started playing games to use-up time. A boy came up and looked at my brothers screen and wanted to play games with us so we ds downloaded and played games for about an hour. He told us alot about what he plays and what he unlocked.After we played he had to go and leave on the plane. I was happy we sort of made a friend. We went up to the second floor andI drank my first piña colada. It was like a smoothie with coconut milk and pinapple juice. We went on the plane and I thought I slept the whole way their, but found out we haven't moved for over an hour. I was sweating because the airconditioning was off. I got to Cancún in about two hours later after the plane engine started and the air conditioning came on. My parents talked about the tour and the hotel we're going to go to. It wasn't really a hotel because it was a hotel and resort. The name for the resort was "Sandos". Once we got to the hotel my parents started talking about the tour. We got this color fused juice which I think found was pinapple juice with red color mixed with it. It tasted alot likewater but it was good enough. I saw a wierd fan shaped plant on the way back to our room. I later went to go eat at the Mexican restaurant. The food tasted great. We saw different animals and plants. I took a shower and got ready for bed. My first day in Cancún was fun I wonder how it's going to be tommorow.
My Trip to Cancún Day2

Day2 in Cancún I woke up at 4:40am dressed played games ate fruit and got ready to eat breakfast. We left and went to eat at the international restaurant at 7:50am. After we ate we fed turtles. My parents had to have a meeting with the people at the resort so we played games while we were their and they called it kids club. We saw an "Anolis"(an amphibian like a gecko)we saw it run back in to its forest(pretty cool). By the place we saw the anolis we saw a hibiscus. Later we went to the pool with the slides(I didn't like it much cause I couldn't swim their).We saw some iguanas sleeping near by. I drank piña coladas and played with my siblings. After the pool we left to eat lunch at the italian restaurant. We went to the beach after that. We made a second friend when he came over and he wanted to use our bucket to keep a crab for a while. We talked and played together for about an hour. He said he was 11 years old and his name was Mason. He had told us that he speaks two languages. One is english and the other is wierdo(L.O.L.). We asked him how their is such a language and he said that his brother makes up wierd words so he calls it wierdo. He also said he stayes around his brother so much he knows about 3/4 of it all. After we left the beach we took a shower and dressed up in clean clothes. We later went to the city. We found out 12 pesos is 1 american dollar. We got chocolate milk and we went shopping. We saw another gecko like lizard amphibian. I wanted a junonia shell and we saw one at one of the shops and it was cheaper than the one at Florida so we bought it for 50 pesos. I went back to the hotel about an hour later and went to eat at the international restaurant.They did a cool light show to make coffee for my parents. I saw a cat cafe sign on my way back. I took a shower, watched tv, and got ready for bed and slept.
My Trip to Cancún Day3

Day 3 in CancúnI woke up at 5:15am to get ready for snorkling trip. I dressed up, brushed my teeth, and played games till time. We left to the lobby at 6:10am. We got on the van to go snorkling at 6:20. It was an hour drive to the place. We ate when we got their and we had a choice of eating bread, fruit, yougurt, and jello and their was coffee and juice. When we got on the boat we were told to sit on the back. In about 40 mins. later a man had sprained his leg when the boat jumped on a wave and we had to go back:( An hour later we went back out on sea and saw a stingray and dolphins in the sea. We saw lots on boats close to each other so thats when we knew there was a whale shark around. After we spotted it we took turns going in the water and swimming and taking pictures of the whale shark. After that we left to the coral reef and swam their. we saw lots of fish and coral. we saw a turtle on the way back.we snorkeled for about 30 mins. at the coral reef and went to the bigger pool after we got home. After we went to the pool we went to eat dinner at the italian restaurant. We went to go shopping foor gifts but couldn't find much interesting items. On the way back to our room we saw a raccoon. It looked scary because of the light. I went in a shower and slept fast that day.
My Trip to Cancún Day4

Day 4 in Cancún I woke up at 6:30 and got ready to eat breakfast we ate at the international restaurant today. After we got back we dressed to go to the beach. We left our room and we went shelling. My siblings wanted to catch a fish or a crab with their hands. They were unlucky and couldn't catch any of the fish or the crab. I caught a crab with my hands and when I was going to give it to my brother he accidentally droped the crab and it dug back into the sand. I also accidentally caught a fish when a wave came. I think the fish accidentlly followed the waves and came in the hole that I used to find shells and couldn't get out of it. We took a photo and a video of it swimming and it was funny. We left the beach around 10:10am to our room. We all took a shower and packed up our stuff and left our room to the front of the resort. We waited for a van and drank my last piña colada. The van came and picked us up around 10:30am. On my way to the air port I saw a sign with a bus stuck through a wall. I saw the police with big guns(scary:p)and we also saw an ambulance right next to us. We arrived at the air port at 12:00pm. We ate at the airport and left on the plane to Huston, Texas at 2:30pm. We got to Texas around 5:30pm. Once we got to Huston, Texas we had to show our passports and had to get past the security. Because of these people on wheel chairs that were injured we were had 20 mins. before the plane left. After all the other security and we took our lugguage away we made it to our flight just in time before the plane left. The time in Mexico and Huston, Texas were the same, but the time for the state I live in was an hour difference. I liked Mexico, but home is better. I wish to go again, but would hate to wait hours standing doing nothing again in line.
Thank you for reading, "My Trip to Cancún."
Saturday, June 12, 2010
First from computer now this from wii.
Hello I got bored so I posted this from my wii it is taking me some time. Please leave a comment or question if possible.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Thunderstorm and Torndo
YIKES!!! A tornado came close by when I was at a fitness center with siblings and my mom. I saw two friends of mine. The people there were running and walking away and going into bathrooms and non-windowed room. After the torndo came we rushed into the car and drove away home, but that was not the end of that case either. When we got in the car it started "THUNDERING CRAZY"!!! When we got home I checked the t.v. and heard the thunderstorms and tornado warnings. My mom thought that I was crazy for typing this(I also believe it too), but I planned a goal to add something on this blog every month at least once and I had to add and this is why I did so. If you thought this was funny please tell me so and I will tell you something elsenext or another month.
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